The story begins when the British aristocrat Phileas Fogg and his French servant Jean Passepartout resolve to travel around the world in eighty days to win a bet.
In this race against the clock, they traverse different countries, using every means of transport at their disposal and encountering a variety of cultures from East to West, overcoming obstacles and setbacks in a desperate attempt to win the bet and vindicate their bold decision. Every stop on their tour is an exhilarating experience: sometimes perilous, sometimes exasperating, but always revealing.
In one of the best loved children’s adventures of all time, Jules Verne weaves a story of the indomitability of the human spirt that touches young and old alike.
The novel has been adapted for the stage by Andri Theodotou in a production directed by Marios Kakkoulis. A talented team of actors and creatives brings Fogg’s adventures to life as a journey in which he discovers multiculturalism, diversity and the beauty of the world.