The Board of Directors sets the framework for Thoc’s operation, as follows:
a) Thoc operates as a centre for continuous theatrical development and artistically innovative experimentation, its productions aimed both at the general public, to entertain and educate, and at more informed theatre-goers. There is a special emphasis on theatre education from the early years of childhood, integrated into schools themselves, and on supporting children’s theatre produced by independent theatre groups and companies.
b) The Board of Directors determines Thoc’s artistic identity, drawing on the one hand from its past experience and practice, and on the other, planning its repertoire in the light of contemporary creative trends and currents.
c) Regular theatrical tours of all cities and rural areas.
d) Theatrical tours abroad, at international festivals and in ethnic Greek communities.
e) Cooperation and exchanges with Cypriot theatres and theatre companies, with theatres and actors in the European Union, and with state and other theatres in the Southeastern Mediterranean region and more widely.
f) Cooperation with all levels of education, youth centres, organisations, professional bodies, and agencies bringing theatre to all social strata.
g) Expanding the numbers and improving the skills of the country’s creative professionals and employing them appropriately to meet the needs of Thoc’s productions.
h) Managing the growth sectors of school and amateur theatre in Cyprus.
i) Implementing projects to fund the creation of theatre in Cyprus with specific terms and criteria.
j) Supporting playwriting as a cornerstone of Cypriot drama and creativity.
k) Developing relations, joint activities and exchanges between Thoc and other theatres in Cyprus.
l) Utilising the skills of theatre professionals, training Thoc’s employees, and staffing Thoc in the best possible manner.